BBC reporters James Pearce and Dan Roan both Tweeted attacks on the IOC for readmitting wrestling to the Olympic programme just a few months after telling the sport it was not fit for purpose.
James Pearce @Pearcesport
IOC completes fairly farcical u-turn by voting wrestling back into Olympics just months after it had been kicked out
Dan Roan @danroan
IOC faces serious questions over reinstating wrestling months after axing it & letting squash/baseball/softball spend millions on campaigns

Squash players past and present had plenty to say on Twitter as well. Australian number one Cam Pilley was so angry he threatened to streak during the wrestling event at the 2020 Olympics!
Cameron Pilley @campilley
@danroan You the man Dan! Absolute joke. How many brown envelopes you reckon were handed out!??
Nick Matthew @nickmatthew
Despite today’s disappointment the World of Squash can be massively proud of its efforts over these past 4 years
Nicol Ann David @NicolDavid
It’s disappointing that squash missed out today but our @Vote4Squash campaign has brought the squash world closer…
Nicol Ann David @NicolDavid
We presented #squash at our very best to the IOC & WSF put up a strong case. @RamyAshour ‘We were the underdogs and competed like champions’
Davide Bianchetti @DadeBianchetti
Can i say that IOC is a bunch of corrupted,useless and old dinosaur who has got nothing to do with sport?!? Ops,already said.. Kiss my ass!
Cameron Pilley @campilley
Can’t get my head around this. Gonna streak at the wrestling in 2020.
Cameron Pilley @campilley
“@Rick_Young: @campilley You could head a new campaign “GET YOUR BALLS OUT FOR SQUASH”” That is brilliant!!! #getyourballsoutforsquash
Rod Gilmour @_rodgilmour
Squash have also just cancelled their press conference. After all, what more is there to say.
Marwan El Shorbagy @maelshorbagy
Disappointment.. This is soo unfair to our sport! What’s the point of taking a sport out and putting it back in!
chris walker @cwsquash 1h
Amazing bid by sooo many people. Well done to all. We still have an exciting, beautiful & addictive sport to enjoy every day!
Raneem El Welily @RaneemElWelily 2h
Keep calm and squash on 🙂
Nour El-Tayeb @NourElTayeb
Disappointed ofcourse but today we were one family. The whole sport acted as one and thats worth something. #Pride #squash
Ziad Al-Turki @zalturki Protected account
FILA president is talking about future changes. Nothing has changed yet. Squash has changed drastically and proved it. What a mess IOC!!!
Ziad Al-Turki @zalturki Protected account
There’s still hope IOC will be sensible and clean up this mess by actually voting a new sport in and vote to include either squash or WBSC
Howard Harding @HowardHarding
“Today’s decision is heart-breaking for the millions of Squash players around the world,” says @WorldSquash President Ramachandran
England Squash @englandsr
We’ll keep growing the game, invest in new facilities and develop world-class players #squash
chris simpson @simposquash
We didn’t get in, wrestling were voted out to make room for a “new” sport,then immediately voted back in. #ridiculous
Liz Irving @Lizmirving
Lets not forget Squash really did present the best case .!!! I’ve definitely lost faith in the Olympic ideals …… @WorldSquash
Reuters Sports @ReutersSports
Heartbroken squash suffers rejection
chris simpson @simposquash
I don’t think squash should bother reapplying for inclusion.We’ve done everything we can to no avail.time to focus on growing our sport
Joel Durston @JoelDurston
@HotBalls5th just shows the IOC are plainly idiots
The Real McCaw @AllistairMcCaw
@nickmatthew IOC is a disgrace! Politics! I know that the Tennis community incl Federer, Clijsters, Murray and more were behind #Squash
chris simpson @simposquash
Growing our tour and our increasing our reach through the media. Lets make the Olympics want us (for our money as with rugby 7s and golf)
Orla Noom @orlanoom
Unbelievable. How can IOC scratch wrestling from program, then vote it straight back in? Can’t believe how squash still isn’t in. Politics.
jade leeder @jadey_elias
Such a disappointment for all in the squash world today. Amazing campaigning , we are all very proud #squashisthebest
Georgetta Morque @GLMPR
Such great work and effort by so many to include squash in the 2020 Olympics. Sorry to hear today’s news.
David Schneider @davidschneider
Wrestling reinstated to the Olympics, beating baseball and squash by two falls and a submission.
I Tweeted the question: Where does squash go from here.
Here are some of the responses.
Alan Thatcher @HotBalls5th
Calling all squash players: Thoughts please on where we go from here.
Pete Sansom @pmsansom
@HotBalls5th the pub!
Terry Pritchard @terrypritchard Protected account
@HotBalls5th There may still be a chance for inclusion in 2020. Admittedly slim, but read WSF statement carefully
@HotBalls5th Stop going for cheap and grovelling.”We only need a small space,for only a 32 draw,we can put up a court in the car park”,etc.!
Matt Wagg @matt_wagg
@HotBalls5th ticked every box needed. Lost for words..
Adel Nunan @adelnunan
@HotBalls5th continue to grow squash and get more publicity and more professionalism in the game.
BestSquash @BestSquash
@HotBalls5th Improve every possible aspect of the game. Improve the SHOW side of it. Get MEDIA attention at all costs. WORLD OPEN is key…
Will Carlin @Will_Carlin
@HotBalls5th IOC had to correct dumb decision about wrestling. Squash still most deserving NEW sport. Likely one more shot IF we want it.
Mike Dale @Mike_Dale1978
@HotBalls5th Keep going. Promotion of the sport is on an upward curve in so many ways. Mustn’t let that be affected by IOC’s idiocy.
Aidan @atheistaid
@HotBalls5th how about world squash concentration on a partly-conquered market, Europe or Australia / Singapore / Malaysia for a few years?
Jonny @deletedhistory
@HotBalls5th continue without the @olympis. If we can survive without then best not get involved with all the corruption.
nathan kaiser @nkais95
@HotBalls5th keep on improving the foundations that we have built and in the future we may get a chance to take part in the Olympics
Mark Andrew Burke @Burkesquash
@HotBalls5th I agree w @simposquash We need to now put our resources (esp. $) into a project that will produce dividends. Grow our sport.
squashmovesuk @squashmovesus
@HotBalls5th @james_willstrop @BBCSport What? What? Ok, I’m just popping down to my local Rec centre to have a game of wrestling! #not
The Squash Center @TheSquashCenter
Squash is not Olympic yet. Hard luck to everyone who tried so hard to make it happen. @RamyAshour @NicolDavid @HotBalls5th @james_willstrop
Victoria Clark @TinkerbellVicky
I’m still ridiculously proud of the work that so many people have put in to improving our sport @Vote4Squash @NicolDavid @HotBalls5th etc
@HotBalls5th From today,the Olympic Movement and Olympic Medals no longer have the meaning they’ve had for 125 years,an insult to Sport.
Thomas Mathew @thomasamathew
@HotBalls5th Sucks – can’t believe Baseball got more votes than squash