Friday, December 27, 2024

England Squash and Irish Squash say: Clubs must remain closed

Prime Minister Boris Johnson on court with his father, Stanley

‘We are eager to see squash return when it is safe to do so’
By ALAN THATCHER – Squash Mad Editor

England Squash have confirmed that the current lockdown must continue for all squash clubs

The governing body for England today announced: “Following the Prime Minister’s address to the nation last night, all squash clubs and facilities should remain closed until further notice.”

ES Chief Executive Keir Worth said last week: “All squash activity in England remains suspended following the UK Government’s advice to close sports facilities. We are very eager to see squash return as soon as it possibly can, in a safe way that is aligned to Government advice.

“As we await further information from the Government, we are planning how we can best support squash clubs when they reopen, including by providing grants and guidance for day-to-day operations, as well as devising alternative ways to deliver our coaching courses, participation programmes, and redrafting the calendar for competitions and events.

“We look forward to sharing more information at the appropriate time, so that we can all get back on court.

“We will be endorsing Government guidelines, when they are shared, and, where necessary, we will seek clarification from partners and other NGBs too.”

England Squash Covid-19 information section here.


Clubs were given no indication of when a return may be possible by the prime minister’s TV speech or statement in the House of Commons today.

Several clubs took to social media to confirm to their members that they would remain closed.

England Squash are loading their own website with home workout ideas featuring star players and top coaches.


Irish Squash posted the following on their website today:

Irish Squash have established a working group to be led by Rosie Barry regarding the return to play guidelines for squash. A draft protocol has been prepared with reference to current government, HSE, HPSC and NSAI guidelines. Further work is required on our protocol and we will publish it following consultation with Sport Ireland.

In brief, we envisage that a return to ‘solo’ squash (one player only per court) is feasible in Phase 3 of the Irish Government’s ‘Roadmap to re-opening business & society’ (published May 1st). Updates from the UK Government with respect to easing of restrictions in Northern Ireland will guide re-opening of squash clubs there.

Irish Squash do NOT recommend any re-opening of squash courts before Phase 3 of the Roadmap has been reached.

Full article here.



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