Monday, March 10, 2025

Iceland marathon burns calories and raises funds for children

Squash marathon in Iceland burns calories and raises funds for children

From Arnthor Jon Thorvardsson in Reykjavik
January 14.-15. the Icelandic squash federation held a squash marathon at Veggsport Squash Club in Reykjavik.
The local squash players played squash for 24 hours straight to help raise fund for an organization that supports children with long-term illnesses.
All four courts of the club were fully packed the whole 24 hours, with almost 100 players playing for 30 min and up to 180 min each.
Everyone who stepped on court had to wear a polar pulse and calorie watch.
After each session the local staff took down the amount of calories burned.
The squash federations goal was to burn at least 100.000 calories in the whole.
The events sponsors had agreed to „buy“ the calories from the federation for around half a penny per calorie.
At the end of the day 135.000 caliories were burned and just over £5,000 raised.
The event got a lot of news coverage and is sure to have raised the profile of squash in Iceland.
Local TV star and squash enthusiast, Egill „Gillz“ Einarsson, got a challenge from the country’s number one female player, Rósa Jónsdóttir. They played a best of 5 match in which Rósa bet Egill in straight games. Egill also played against some young and up coming players.
Mr. Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, Iceland president,  was a special guest at the fundraiser and even „had a hit“ with some players from the Icelandic national squash team.
The president told the crowd the last time he played squash was in London 40 years ago in his university days.
He instantly became a huge threat as he played his first shot straight into a local newspaper photographer stationed at the front wall.
Fortunately no one was seriously hurt!
The event was a great success and the federation plans to make this a yearly event.

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