Friday, January 17, 2025

Keir Worth: ‘Painful’ changes at England Squash

New chief explains bold changes to a body in distress and disarray

By Alan Thatcher, Squash Mad Editor

Keir Worth, the Chief Executive of England Squash and Racketball, has produced a video message for members to outline a whole raft of planned changes to grow the game and improve the efficiency of the organisation.

Worth has overseen a significant redundancy programme and restructuring exercise in his first few months in the job.

He has also arranged a survey of the membership and many of the planned changes are in response to the messages received from squash players in England.

Worth said: “Over the last few months we have undertaken considerable change. The organisation was in disarray and distress.

“We have undertaken a time-consuming and painful restructuring process which meant that only two or three jobs have remained the same. Even if staff have stayed, their job descriptions have changed.

“We have spoken to members, partners and and key stakeholders to achieve a review of our brand, how we are perceived and how we wish to be perceived.

“One complaint was that we don’t communicate enough or effectively, so this will be the first of the updates from me as part of our new communications strategy.

“We received 2,500 pieces responses to the survey from our members and this will form the basis of a major rebranding exercise later in the year.

“This is a significant and necessary piece of work to reflect who we are, what we do and how we do it.

“We are launching a new technology platform to transform how we work with members, and manage and grow the game.  

“Our new participation strategy has been approved and we will soon start on the delivery plan. We have rewritten the performance strategy and we are about to finalise the new coaching strategy, focusing on how we encourage participation and growth in the game.”



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