WSF CEO Andrew Shelley has circulated the following message to all the WSF federation members around the world – as have PSA and WSA to all their members. We need to get more of the sport’s global followers to show their support for our Olympic 2020 bid. All readers are encouraged to follow suit by responding to this call-to-action. So please spread the word and Back The Bid.
Olympic bid Twitter focus
As we get closer to the next phase of our campaign and the presentation to the IOC Executive Board in St Petersburg on May 29, we want to show how passionate the squash community is about our sport and the Olympic bid. This includes demonstrating strong social media numbers, so may I ask you and all your contacts to follow @vote4squash on Twitter.
It would also be great if you can encourage all your contacts / databases to Tweet the following tomorrow (March 27):
Nine weeks today Squash presents its case to the IOC to join the Olympic Games; please support our campaign! Follow @vote4squash
We will then be doing weekly social media activities to mark the countdown to the St Petersburg presentation, so please look out for that and support it on Twitter with re-tweets.
Thank you very much for your support – the bid is going well, and with everybody’s help we hope we will get over the finishing line and make 2013 a milestone year for our sport.