We all know squash (the sport) is good for you!
Thanks to Miriam Stoppard in the Mirror, we can now learn why squash the vegetable is also good for you!
Here are five top reasons to eat lots of squash:
1 Squash is rich in the beta-carotene that our bodies use to make vitamin A, which is essential for vision, bone growth and fertility.
2 It has a higher potassium content than bananas so it can also help to keep your blood pressure at a healthy level.
3 Squash is packed full of antioxidants, which could help reduce the risk of inflammation-related disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and asthma.
4 It has lots of omega-3, which helps prevent heart disease and cancer, and omega-6, which promotes brain function.
5 Squash/pumpkin seeds make a nutritious snack when baked. They’re high in protein, iron and fibre.
Read more:Â http://www.mirror.co.uk/advice/miriam/2012/01/30/five-reasons-to-eat-squash-pumpkin-115875-23726404/#ixzz1kw9bA2fp