Saturday, March 15, 2025

Rebound celebrates birthday with return to US Open


First anniversary of global outreach scheme at US Open 


Twelve months on from the first ever ‘ReBound Drive’ the Professional Squash Association’s charity arm is set to return to Philadelphia’s Drexel University on October 6 for the 2016 Delaware Investments U.S. Open, when fans and players alike will once again have the opportunity to donate their used squash equipment to help global urban outreach programmes.

To date ReBound has distributed more than 400 donated pieces of squash equipment to NUSEA (National Urban Squash Education Programme) programmes all around the world, with over 150 items of squash equipment collected during last year’s U.S. Open alone.

The PSA Foundation will once again be staging a collection point at the 2016 U.S. Open where fans of the game can bring along any unwanted or unused squash equipment to donate to the cause and help play their part in making a difference to the lives of others, with programmes in Zimbabwe, Colombia, India and South Africa amongst those who have already benefitted from ReBound’s activities throughout the past year.

“Since launching ReBound at the 2015 U.S. Open we have seen a fantastic repose from the squash community and all the donations we have received have allowed us to make a huge impact on a series of programmes all around the world and help make a difference to the lives of hundreds of disadvantaged children,” said PSA Foundation Manager Adriana Olaya.

Glenn Lazarus, South Africa’s Egoli Programme Director, said: “Through the support of the PSA Foundation the Egolisquash programme has managed to use squash as a medium for increased networking and cooperation with players, coaches and clubs from across different continents and for the disadvantaged players from the communities of the Johannesburg Inner-city, Soweto and Alexandra areas, this has been a dream come true and a life-changing experience.”

To any readers who will be attending the US Open, if you have any unused or unwanted squash equipment, bring it along to Philadelphia’s Drexel University between October 6-15 and look out for the ReBound Donation Bins and play your part in helping improve the lives of children around the world.

About ReBound:

ReBound is committed to helping enrich the lives of disadvantaged individuals in some of the most deprived areas around the world through the sport of squash. The initiative helps already established squash outreach programmes in countries such as Zimbabwe, South Africa, India and Colombia by recycling squash equipment – from used squash balls to unwanted rackets and clothing – collected at major PSA tournaments across the Globe.

Picture courtesy of PSA


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