Thursday, January 30, 2025

Scaling the Heights with a brilliant week

Linda Elriani thanks her top team for a brilliant week in Brooklyn 
By LINDA ELRIANI – Squash Mad Reporter at Heights Casino in Brooklyn

Linda Elriani chats to champion Alison Waters
Linda Elriani chats to champion Alison Waters

After the final is over, the photos are taken and the crowd start to drift home, the tournament is far from finished for most event organisers. 

The results, reports and images need to be filed to the media and the WSA office, the bleachers start to come down, and you make sure the players and referees have their taxis booked for a final ride home. You check your email inbox, and you realise that you face a full day of coaching in just a few hours, even though there might be a small after-final party to attend. Despite all this, LINDA ELRIANI still found time to write a special thank you to the key people who make the Carol Weymuller Open such a success.


I would like to say a HUGE thank you to some key people who have put a lot of time, effort and generosity into making this tournament what it is.

Firstly our corporate sponsors Corcoran, who generously support us year after year and help so much towards the prize fund and Leslie Marshall for helping us with this.

To Lassen and Hennigs who very generously provided a wonderful spread of breakfast food for our players each day. It’s very much appreciated and enjoyed!

To all our amazing members who bought tickets for the quarters, semis and finals which contributed to the prize fund. We wouldn’t have a tournament if we didn’t have this incredible support. We had such a great entry yet again and the matches were so strong and of such high caliber all the way through from the qualification to the final.

To all the WSA players for choosing to come and play our event and for playing such beautiful squash and inspiring all of us, especially our juniors. Their sportsmanship this week has been remarkable.

To all our members who opened up their homes to house the players and to Eliza Alsop who excellently organized all housing of the players.

To all the social media that put up my reports and photos so quickly and brilliantly every day.

To Will Bunn, our adult squash chair for all his support throughout the Weymuller and this new squash year.

To Ashley Bernhard and Judy Scofield Miller for co-chairing of the Weymuller so wonderfully again this year. They did a tremendous job as always.

To Paulina Rojek, our media manager for the Weymuller. She helped with so many aspects of the tournament including the face book page, tweeting, instagram and general tournament running.

To Jean Ervasti who is our Weymuller photographer. Jean takes such wonderful photos and we appreciate her taking the time to do this for us.

HCnudieTo Annelize (right), our tournament DJ and fantastic pro, who did all our music at the Weymuller, by the courts and also at our party on Saturday night. It was so much fun and adds such a great vibe to the tournament.

Then last but certainly not least, Cristian, Tiberius, Jayson, T, Carson, Frank and ALL our Heights Casino staff. We have an amazing team of dedicated people here at The Heights Casino, who all pull together and make every event we run here a success. Thanks SO much.

Thanks again and we hope you all enjoyed the 2014 Carol Weymuller Open as much as we did and we look forward to running it again next year.

Congratulations again to Alison Waters and good luck to all the WSA players for the next week at the US Open and beyond!

Pictures by JEAN ERVASTI


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