Thursday, January 2, 2025

Truth and Rumours: Dramatic plans at Drexel

Squash Ezine: Your weekly fill of truth, rumours and hot gossip
By JOE McMANUS – Squash Mad Guest Columnist


Dramatic news from Drexel University, home of the US Open (above) and dramatic crowd scenes in Penang for the 2013 Women’s World Championship. Squash Mad is proud to share the Squash Ezine


Rumours are circling about a potential new Drexel University squash facility. If it comes to pass, imagine the most impressive facility in the world … and you’ll be approaching what they’re planning.


Bromance duo Nick Matthew and Zafi Levy were palling around Richmond, VA this past week. Levy, America’s King of Squash Camps, was “coaching” Matthew at the PSA World Series tournament. Matthew is also promoting his book, “Sweating Blood.”


PSA and WSA were months ago rumored to be flirting with a merger. But this week’s WSA World Championship is being streamed on its own here, separate from PSA SquashTV.
BTW, the crowds (below) at the women’s event were very impressive.
Oh, and this event is actually the WSA’s 2013 championship. Better late than never.

What a crowd!
What a crowd!


Interesting side note, PSA copied PST a few years back and changed the name of their capstone event from the World Open to the PSA World Championship. WSA decided to do the same this year. For the traditionalists, that will be upsetting news.

US-based PST gets loudly mocked in England. But its ideas are more often than not quietly copied.


Speaking of copycats, US Squash has a new weekly, electronic publication promoting their stuff, called the Digital Drive. But it’s basically just a commercial for their events. #Boring


Evidently what’s not boring is Truth and Rumors., one of our two favorite squash sites (#DSR #SquashMad), has decided to grab Truth & Rumours content and print it on their pages here.
We’re glad they like it, but you’ll always get it at the Squash Ezine first.
We would like those MadMen to double check how the spell Rumors though. #Rumours


Pennsylvania’s Dickinson College is looking for a coach for its new varsity squash program. Expect world class players and coaches to be vying for that plum of a job.


Twitter was 8 years old this week. #HappyBirthdayTwitter from #SquashEzine

Picture courtesy of the US Open

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